Receive a Green B&D Buck for picking up your catalog. Also receive one for every day before the Wednesday prior to the due date that your payment is received on. Plus, receive extra Bucks based on the discount of your early order.
- 15% discount gets 1 extra Buck
Green Bucks are not valid during a sale, on Previews orders, or on reduced items.
- Green Bucks are also earned for every $10 spent on in store merchandise and are good for 10% off any one item. This 10% may also be added to other discounts you already receive. For example, get 35% off a back issue instead of just 25%.
- Green Bucks may also be used as a 10 cent coupon and more than one may be used on an item in this fashion.
Please contact us! B&D Comic Shop makes customer satisfaction our number one priority. Please let us know if we can help you in any way!
For existing pre-paid subscription customers who order from the Previews Catalog:
Save a trip to the store! Submit your order online and receive a confirmation e-mail.
What to do: Just click the button to the right and
fill out the form by entering the number of copies
you want next to the name of each item desired.
Your total and discount will be calculated
automatically (excluding tax and any balance due).
Remember: Your name, e-mail and phone number
must be filled out for the form to be sent.
After your order has been placed, you will receive an e mail confirmation.
To pay on-line, select the PayPal Buy Now Button on our home page.
Once on the PayPal site, enter the total as quoted in your e mail. Orders will not be processed until payment is received.
**** If you don't yet have an account with us, submit the completed form. We will contact you by phone to collect payment and shipping information, and set up an account before your order is processed. To protect your privacy, please do not e-mail credit card information. No payment is collected online.
If you have a current account with us, we process your usual method of payment after each order and send an e-mail confirmation. (Please note all orders from VA residents will have the 5.3% VA State Sales Tax added to the total, along with any outstanding balance.)

Previews Scheduled Due Dates:
Save 10% to 30% on your orders!
Pre-paid subscription services allow you to advance order all items scheduled to ship in 2 to 6 months time from the monthly Previews catalog. Benefits begin when you submit payment for your first order and continue with each order you place.
Customer Fulfillments:
- Submit a completed order from the current catalog listing by the due date.
- Payment is due in full when the order is submitted. Payment is calculated by retail price less the appropriate discount plus 5.3% sales tax for VA residents. Outstanding balances are due with each order.
Previews catalogs can be picked up at B&D or mailed by Express Mail (mailing fees billed to your account). Customers who have orders shipped will receive their catalog along with any current merchandise. A route number or street address is required by UPS for delivery. (No Post Office Boxes please.) UPS shipping charges will be billed to your account each month. ("Lost Package" insurance is included at no additional cost on orders up to $100. However, we cannot guarantee the condition of orders that are shipped. We recommend our pick up system to avoid expense and delay.)
In the event of a price increase by the publisher, you will be billed for the difference in price, or you may cancel the order for that item and receive credit for the amount originally paid. If an item is canceled or becomes unavailable, it will be credited towards any price increases and/or shipping fees due. We can not be responsible for distributor allocations. These items will be treated on a first come, first serve basis.
Additional benefits include:
- 10% to 30% off retail price (depending on the size of your order)
- 25% off in-store price of all back issue comics every day
- 10% off all collecting supplies every day
- No deposit required for special orders
What is a Pull & Hold Account?
We know a pre-paid subscription account isn’t right for everyone. That’s why we also offer Pull & Hold Accounts so you won’t miss the next issue of your favorite comic!
Simply give us a list of all the titles you wish to receive each month.
When the newest issue arrives we save a copy for you until you come by (books are held up to ONE month.) Or, provide us with a credit card that can be billed on the 3rd of each month, and you will receive 10% off all the titles on your list!
There is a $10 deposit per 5 titles that will be refunded if you close your account and purchase everything that is on hold for you. If you collect over 10 titles per month, we recommend the pre-paid system.
It’s easy to change your list any time when you want to add or drop a title. No hassle!
Need more details or have questions? or stop by the store. You may also click this link for a tutorial from Diamond Comics.
B&D Comic Shop makes customer satisfaction our number one priority.

Have questions about the Previews Catalog or online ordering?
Did you know that B&D Comics has over 30,000 back issue comics listed for sale online?
Discount breakdown based on dollar total located on the front of the tally sheet below.
Due the 18th of every month!
Previews Scheduled Dates: